Season 2025 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Players


How do I become a Melbourne Chargers Member?

To play for the Chargers, you need to be a member of the Chargers and have paid your Membership Subs to the Melbourne Rugby Club Unicorns for insurance purposes. The Melbourne Rugby Club (MRUFC, "Melbourne Unicorns") are our host club, and handle the competition registration.

Membership for the Chargers is from 1 October to 30 September annually. The $30 membership fee contributes to the running costs of the club.
Sign up here

If you need more information about membership or need to confirm what email address is linked to your portal account, please contact Derryn Pert at


What types of player registration are there?

There is one player registration type, that covers the whole season. This applies to both training and matches.

You must be registered as a player in order to participate in matches.

How much are player registrations?

  • Season: $479.40


What if I just want to train?

This year a training-only-participant option is available.

During registration in RugbyXplorer, select "Training Only Participant" from Roles. See "How do I register as a player?" for registration instructions.

The training only option is $30.60 for the season.

This option is NOT eligible for playing in matches or sanctioned tournaments (eg, Purchas Cup, Bingham Cup).


How do I register as a player?

  1. Either download the RugbyXplorer app (Apple Store , Google Play) or go to the website, and either create an account and log into your existing account.
  2. In the More menu (...), select Register
  3. Under Play Rugby, select Find a Club, and select your profile
  4. Search for "Melbourne Rugby Club", and select the "Rugby VIC Seniors, Rugby Victoria".
  5. Select "Player" as the Role, "XVs" as the Registration Type, and the appropriate length for the Duration.
  6. Confirm or enter your details, profile photo, additional details, and emergency contact.
  7. On the "Add a saleable item" page, you will need to select a size and (1) quantity for your MRUFC training shirt, shorts and socks. These are included with your registration cost.
  8. On the summary page, you will need to select the T&Cs acknowledgement before payment (you do not have to 'donate to the club' if you do not wish to).
  9. Payment options include a credit/debit card for the full amount, paid immediately; or you can pay in installments through Zip Pay.


What clothing do I need to play?

The Melbourne Chargers' kit includes black shorts and bottle green socks, with the jersey provided to players for only the duration of the match.

  • New players: we will give you a pair of club shorts and socks for your first match.
  • Returning players: If you need to replace your shorts or socks, or want spares, you can purchase through our website.

For any queries related to team gear or our online store, please contact the merchandise team at:



Mouthguards are a mandatory requirement for training and playing Rugby.

You can get a professionally fitted mouthguard from your dentist for about $100. These are custom made in a dental lab then fitted by a dentist and will provide the best protection from concussion and injuries to the face, teeth, and jaw. You can get one made much cheaper if you visit our club's sponsor.  

  • Option 1: See our sponsor Brentford Dental who will fit you with a proper mouthguard free if you have dental insurance coverage. If you don’t have insurance the fee is $90 for a dentist fitted mouthguard.
  • Option 2: A ‘boil and bite’ mouthguard is not as good as a dentist-fitted one, but it’s ok to use in a pinch. We recommend the Shock Doctor Gel Max which is about $15 more than cheap ones from the chemist but is of significantly better quality.


Boots and other safety gear  

By now you are probably looking online for great deals on boots and other safety gear. Check in with the Player Liaisons or Coaching Team if you’re not sure what type of boots suit your playing position. There’s different boots and budgets for every position. Try retailers like Cantebury, Rebel Sport or Decathlon.


Medical insurance and ambulance cover

We very VERY strongly recommend all players purchase Private Health Insurance with hospital coverage that includes coverage for common and uncommon sports injuries. If you can afford to, you should also try to get coverage for ambulance and some general extras coverage for physiotherapy.